BIM ALLY appointed to the Program Council at the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Environmental Sciences of the Białystok University of Technology

Last Wednesday, June 29 at At 2 p.m. at the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Environmental Sciences of the Białystok University of Technology, we met together with several dozen companies, institutions and unions working with the Faculty of Biodiversity and Science of the Białystok University of Technology.
We were very pleased to join the Program Council and we will be happy to share our experience and practical knowledge in the field of BIM.
We believe that together with representatives of:
- Marshal’s Office of Podlaskie Voivodeship
- Provincial Inspectorate of Environmental Protection in Białystok
- National Labor Inspectorate in Białystok
- District Labor Inspector in Białystok
- Polish Association of Construction Engineers and Technicians
- Polish Association of Sanitary Engineers and Technicians
- Scientific Institute of IBOA, Center for Construction Survey
- Unibep Career Group
- Pfleiderer Polska
- Budimex SA
- CEMEX Polska
- Office of Career and Collaboration with BUT Graduates
- Mark-Bud
- Metal-Fach
- Wodociągi Białostockie Sp z oo
- Regional Directorate of State Forests in Białystok
- Wigry National Park
- Narew National Park
- Biebrza National Park
- Bialowieza National Park
- Ekom s.c.
- Polish Construction Cluster
- SaMASZ Sp z o.o.
- Stanisław Derehajło Agricultural farm,
- Sajsad
- Dairy Association Mlekovita
We will manage to create a bridge connecting students of the Białystok University of Technology (BUT) with employers!
More information about the event can be found at

BIM ALLY TOOLBOX will equip your company with tools and services, thanks to which you will be able to effectively manage cooperation with both current and newly acquired designers.