BIM ALLY at the conference “Nowy model zarządzania – cyfryzacja w budownictwie”.

On 5.11 we participated in another conference this month, this time organized by the Polski Klaster Budowlany. The event was entitled “Nowy model zarządzania – cyfryzacja w budownictwie” and was held at the Lazarski University in Warsaw.
Our speakers – Tomasz Janiak and Piotr Trusiewicz, raised the topic of digitization in an unconventional speech entitled “1+1=3: Applying BIM in practice”. They presented examples of how digitization affects the construction industry, what benefits it brings and what actions we should take to use its potential as effectively as possible.
Thank you:
Lazarski University
Polish Construction Cluster
BIKTL Kite Consulting
Future Industry Platform Foundation
For joint participation in the event and everyone with whom we had the opportunity to talk and exchange BIM views.

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