BIM ALLY at the ICAAC 2023 conference in Prague

We are currently at the ICAAC 2023 conference organized by the European Association of Autoclaved Aerated Concrete, supported by the Polish Association of Concrete Producers in Prague.
It is an honor to be among such an inspiring group – including many international experts from scientific institutes, AAC producers, raw material suppliers and associations related to aerated concrete.
“BIM – A new paradigm for building and maintaining a manufacturer-architect relationship”.
During today’s panel at 12:00, a member of our management board, Piotr Trusiewicz, had the pleasure of speaking: “BIM – A new paradigm for building and maintaining a manufacturer-architect relationship”.
During his speech, Piotr touched on the topic of BIM and its benefits in the enterprise and how this technology is used by designers based on the results of reports that we developed in cooperation with the Faculty of Management Engineering of the Białystok University of Technology.
We would like to thank everyone with whom we had the pleasure of participating in the conference. Including representatives of companies and associations:
- H+H Deutschland GmbH
- Solbet
- European Lime Association
- Lhoist
- PMX Labs sp. z o.o
- Xella Technologie und Forschung
- University of Parma
- H+H UK Limited
- Magicrete Building Solutions
- Łukasiewicz – Instytut Ceramiki i Materiałów Budowlanych
- Brno University of Technology
- Xella Polska
- Benda-Lutz
- Fels
- Keda SureMaker
- LISSMAC Maschinenbau GmbH
- Bruk-Bet Fotowoltaika
- Delta
- Donyue
- Masa Group
- Sunruns
- AAC worldwide
Your presence and contribution to discussions are invaluable for the development of our industry.

ICAAC 2023 was an excellent opportunity to exchange knowledge, establish valuable business contacts and jointly explore innovations in construction.
We are looking forward to the next editions of the conference.

BIM ALLY TOOLBOX will equip your company with tools and services, thanks to which you will be able to effectively manage cooperation with both current and newly acquired designers.