Conference „Kierunki rozwoju polskiej branży budownictwa w kraju i na rynkach międzynarodowych”.

Monday (27.02) was an important day for us.
On that day, together with the Polish Construction Cluster, we have organized a conference entitled: „Kierunki rozwoju polskiej branży budownictwa w kraju i na rynkach międzynarodowych”. This event was a great opportunity not only to exchange knowledge, but also to assimilate it. We personally had the pleasure of speaking on 4 topics.
The first speech was related to the transfer and analysis of the results of the study “Marketing trends among manufacturers of building materials”, which we had the opportunity to conduct in November 2022 in collaboration with the Faculty of Management Engineering of the Białystok University of Technology. Our speaker – Piotr Trusiewicz together with Dr. Iwona Piekunko – Mantiuk, discussed what marketing in the construction industry looks like today and what trends have been noticed in the activities of enterprises.
Special thanks are also due to all partners of the report:
Wydział Budownictwa Politechnika Białostocka,
Polski Klaster Budowlany,
Związek Pracodawców – Producentów Materiałów dla Budownictwa,
Zrzeszenie Cerbud,
Stowarzyszenie Producentów Betonów,
Stowarzyszenie Producentów Silikatów “Białe murowanie”,
Builder Polska,
Rynek Instalacyjny,
The finished report could be obtained on paper or by scanning the QR code during the presentation. It is currently available on our website at:

The second speech was presented by Tomasz Janiak and Norbert Lewko entitled “2 kg of BIM, please”. As is well known, we like original presentations. This case was no different. We presented the implementation of BIM on the example of apple models and links between BIM and marketing. We also presented the BIM ALLY Toolbox set of tools and the benefits that the manufacturers will gain by introducing them to their companies.

The third presentation was in the form of a discussion panel entitled “BIM for everyone and BIM for all – how to use BIM in practice”, which was again led by Piotr Trusiewicz. The panel was attended by:
– Anna Wawrzyniak-Olszak, Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences
– Grzegorz Kłoda, GK-Atelier Grzegorz Kłoda
– Arkadiusz Leśko, #ArkanceSystems
– Jakub Kulig, WARBUD S.A., buildingSMART Polska
– Paweł Górski, Xella Polska, buildingSMART Polska
We would like to thank you for sharing your personal insights on the introduction of innovative technologies to the construction industry!

The last presentation was entitled “Home configurator as a new tool for designing and building a house” and was led by Architect – Hernan Gomez and a member of our board – Norbert Lewko. They have explained how the House Configurator is becoming a new tool for designing and building a house, giving interesting and creative examples. At the same time, they showed the benefits of using this technology and presented the operation, visualizations of projects and a demo video.
In addition to the speeches, we had the pleasure of conducting interesting interviews with the participants of the event and conducted many fruitful conversations, the effects of which we hope we’ll be able to share with you soon.
Summing up, we consider the conference to be extremely successful and we are looking forward to more opportunities to speak and to share knowledge.

BIM ALLY TOOLBOX will equip your company with tools and services, thanks to which you will be able to effectively manage cooperation with both current and newly acquired designers.